Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Beginning

So, I have started a blog. The title of this blog will be "Home Is...". I stole this title from the final track on the debut album of one of my favorite bands of all time, The Casket Lottery's Choose Bronze. This is largely due to the fact that I expect music will be the most frequently dicussed topic in this space. It had not occured to me until I began to create this blog that I would need to create a worthwhile title and this represented the best title I could come up with of in a span of ten minutes. In addition to referencing one of my favorite indie rock acts, it seemed appropriate because (barring the unlikely and now even more ironic event that I am admitted from the University of Minnesota's deffered list) I will be returning home to Chicago in August to attend Kent Law School. I had intended to create the URL but while that address does not pull up a valid site, the blogger website informs me this address already exists and hence I am unable to reserve the URL. Hopefully the riduculousness of the URL will help folks to remember how to access the site.

My previous blog, focused on sabermetric (also known as "stathead") analysis of my favorite sports team, The Chicago White Sox. That blog has failed because I have found myself incapable of posting consistent entries. I have two theories for this phenomenon: 1) the blog's subject matter appealed to a very small audience and therefore failed to inspire me 2) I simply do not have the time to regularly update a blog and this point in my life. My (at this point) non-existant readers and I are banking on the idea that on the former explantion is the more accurate of the two. Ideally, opening myself up to writing about music, movies, television, sports, and occasionally events in my personal life will stimulate me to update this space far more frequently.

I will not lie: while the idea of a blog along these lines occured to me weeks ago, I was not inspired to actually create this space until I viewed tonight's episode of one of my favorite television shows, Fox's The OC. I intended to discuss my recent disenchantment with the show and the series finale in particular in my first entry. However, due to the late hour this will have to wait until my second entry. Until then take care and thank you for reading.


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